Kentucky awarded an OSEP Educational Leadership Grant

The Kentucky LEADS (Leading, Educating, Advocating-Directors of Special Education) Academy grant from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) focuses on leadership development, recruitment and retention.  In partnership with UK’s Human Development Institute, Kentucky’s Part C, Early Intervention Services, Morehead State University, Western Kentucky University, and Murray State University, the Kentucky Parent Training and Information (PTI) center along with regional and National Technical Assistance Centers, the Kentucky LEADS Academy will address three goals: Goal 1(Recruit):  Increase the number of persons who attain the state’s initial level of Advanced Educational Leader- Director of Special Education certification to ensure that there is an adequate pipeline of eligible applicants to serve as state, regional, and local special education leaders to promote high expectations and improve early childhood and educational outcomes for children with disabilities and their families, Goal 2 (Retain): Increase and nurture the number of persons whose job description includes supervising, directing, administering, or coordinating special education programs who have attained the state’s highest level of Advanced Educational Leader- Director of Special Education certification, Goal 3 (Increase Capacity): Expand and enhance the existing state network to ensure that state,  regional, and local leaders have the knowledge, skills, and access necessary to improve early childhood and educational outcomes for children with disabilities and their families through the systems that serve them. 

Contact Dr. Mike Abell at for more information.

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