HDI 50th Anniversary Spotlight on Clyde David and Susan Burberry 

To us, HDI means hope. When all is dark, HDI is a bright light leading, teaching, and training those who find that their purpose is to work with those who are unable to fit into the mainstream. Every year as we attend the annual meeting, we are greeted by familiar and new faces, all who are dedicated to a purpose much larger than themselves. —Clyde David and Susan Burberry

How did you come to know HDI? 

Through Barney Fleming who met our son Kevin shortly after we moved to Lexington. Barney had a huge impact on Kevin’s life and introduced HDI to us. 

How long have you been involved with HDI and in what role? 

We have been involved with HDI since 1991 when Barney drew Kevin into HDI. 

During your involvement with HDI, of which accomplishments are you most proud? 

We are most proud of participating in the Kevin Burberry award. 

Looking back, can you please share with us a fun or fond moment you had with HDI? 

I would have to cite the time Kevin spent with the committee working on training modules. Harold Kleinert asked Kevin to participate in building these modules, which gave Kevin a sense of contributing to something very important at a very critical time in his life. 

Do you have any advice you would like to share with current and future staff and students at HDI? 

My advice to current and future staff and students at HDI is to please continue this little known but highly important mission in guiding the disabled population and their families in living a purposeful life. 

What do you think the future holds for HDI? 

We certainly hope for a strong continuation of this critical work which provides hope and purpose for people with disabilities. 


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